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Key Takeaways from Experiential Week

SHAUN HE  |  DEC 18, 2023


I think of myself as a person who enjoys school and someone who likes outdoor activities. On our way to the field trip, I thought of the field trip I went on in my primary years. All the fun memories were coming back to me. As the bus gradually left the crowded urban area, the lush hills, field land, a village, and the blue sky came into my sight, making me feel relaxed. At that moment, I felt stress relieved and excited to embrace nature. 


After the three-hour car drive, we had finally arrived. As soon as I got off the bus, I could smell the scent of the mud and plants; the aroma reminded me of my hometown, where I’d left my inner child. I looked around, and there were many hills. Instead of saying hills, they also looked like massive rocks poking out from the ground. They all varied in shape and size. The small plants growing on the stone gave them colour, which also made the stones seem like giant green monsters. 

In the rural area, I felt that time was going much slower than in the city because I didn’t have to rush anything, I could always stop and appreciate the scenery around me, and I could enjoy every single moment of life. I feel that I’m always leisurely but also always busy—everything is not important, well, compared to everyday school work, but it is very valuable. 


In school, I always have to compete with my friends, which sometimes makes my friendships very tiresome and awkward. But during the field trip, we spent all of our time enjoying fun activities and that gave me the time to strengthen the bond with my friends. During the trip, no matter how good or bad your grade is in school, we are all equal, just like how we were in primary school when friendship used to be all about playing together. 


At last, this field trip also totally separated me from my phone and the internet. Without a phone, I would not be bothered by all the messages on WeChat and other distractions. I was able to solely concentrate on my surroundings; I felt freedom. 


In conclusion, I think the field trip left me with many precious memories and I can surely say that I enjoyed it. 


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