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Designing Soap Box Cars


In our design unit, our project was to design soap box cars. Therefore, at the end of the unit, the design department hosted a soap box derby in which students were required to drive their cars. We started off with a thick piece of wood for cutting out the chassis, then installed the seat and wheels and made the body shape, spray paint etc. Due to the urgency of limited time left, we raced against time to make some final adjustments to the soap box cars, students have even sacrificed their recess and lunch breaks to do wrap up work. Both the car drivers and designers had high expectations of their cars, so everyone was both excited and nervous at the start of the competition. 


We were all very excited on race day, as a team member, I was feeling nervous for the driver in our group. The car race was held at the ramp path outside the table tennis court. In this competition, the elected driver in 12 groups would drive their cars down the path, the fastest car that passed the finish line: a buffer platform full of sponge cushions, would be the champion of the soap box derby.  


On the day of the race, drivers from separate groups drove their car in a random order, our group was the second group to drive our pencil car. The first group did very well and set the stage for the whole match, then coming up is our group’s driver turn to drive the car. Everything was normal after the start; our group’s car was always in a stable position. Finally, when crossing the finish line, the driver yanked one side of the controlling rope, so it forced the car to turn left suddenly and crashed on the stone steps beside the green belt. When I saw the car turn over to the side, it was like my heart had missed a beat, fortunately the driver only had a scratch on his knee. Although there was a tiny accident, our group still had a good score. 


While the car race was going on, the sky began to be cloudy, and it was starting to rain a bit. The harsh weather would affect the performance of the drivers coming up next, because the rain would affect drivers’ vision, and it caused the path to be slippery, obstructing the steering wheel’s function. But most of the following groups overcame those difficulties and finished their round successfully. 

In this soap box derby, I admired the bravery and group collaboration spirit from Alice in 7C. She volunteered to be the driver of the group when her own team member gave up driving the car because of anxiety. At last, their group came up with the 2nd place out of 12 groups. 


Although the whole competition was held in bad weather and along with different difficulties popping out, fortunately no one was injured. Our group did not get on the podium as we never expected we would, but the results exceeded our expectations, which proved our hard work towards the car was not in vain.   

So far, the first ISA soap box derby has come to an end. This experience will become valuable memories in our school life. I would like to show our appreciation to all the design teachers who’ve supported us during the process and in the competition on behalf of all Grade 7 students. Without your help, this wonderful event would never have happened. 


All Content ©2024 by Lion Ledger. Based in ISA Science City

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